Sunday, January 13, 2008

UnPEACEful Malaysia~~~

Our malaysia-used to b peaceful place to live... but lately... NO MORE<>!!!!

Now... the Mat Rempit are imune to the law...even they bang a police down also no problem...Pemuda Umno send this group or should i say this species of animal to north pole... and planning to use them during this coming election.... oh my god!!!! damn u all... are u BLIND??? can't u all see the damage they'll do???
idiot mat rempit!!
Children are also not safe d... no place is safe for kids to play now...
Nurin was taken from Pasar Malam... and the monster did a very cruel thing to her!!! F u dog... she's only a little kid!!!!

Poor Nurin
Then lately... five-year-old Sharlinie was also taken away... this time from the playground...
Sharlinie's sister pleading for her sister release...

Hindraf...a group that been labeled as troble maker... actually they are not so deadly la.... if compare with Mat Rempit then the level is same same la... but then Hindraf leaders sent to ISA but mat rempit still rules the road... so where's the law??? discrimination!!!!!

Hindraf in front of the pudu jail...
Tenggaroh state assemblyman Datuk S. Krishnasamy gunned down!!!! wah lau eh~~~ a politician gunned down... dun know when malaysia will has her own suicide bommer~~~haix....

Datuk s.krishnasamy

Dr Chua made a homemake sex video... haix....
Dr Chua S L

A co-ed school becomes a Not co-ed school...
haha... so not peaceful so not safe nowadays.... so... i hope all will be careful and dun let these sad things happen to us....

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