Wednesday, October 31, 2007

hobby OR commitment???

OMG....lately i started to feel the pain on my both knees even when i walk...!!!! Damn~~~~
it used to hurt only when i go jogging or jumping.... but now.... walk also PAIN!!!
my GOD...
and my ankles.... DeR!!!! hurt also....
when is rainning at nite... oh god... can't sleep de....

haiZzzz.... these la all the side-effects from sport....
i ask myself sometime ago.... y i wanna so involve in this sport ??? i dun know....

i started when im 5 years old.... continue train till im reach 2nd DAN.... but force to stop 2 years ago due to so many injuries....
acually y i got injured??? bcause in malaysia v dun hav enough facilities... n d way v train not accurate and not safe... thats y injuries are normal for malaysia's sport athletes.....

last year i try to retake d sport again.... n join the state championship....(my dream to win 1 last time!!!) I started trainning.... do all the preparation.... but my "kiasu" attitude brought troble!!!
i so scared to loss so i train damn hard!!! mayb i push my knees too hard d... i hurt my left knee 3 weeks b4 competition.... so... after my coach n parents advice... n also my team's advice.... i decided to quit... NO CHOICE... really sad that time...
well....2 years back i visited doctor for some Pro advice bout my knees n ankles.... he say i need to do a few things to save my knees injuries from getting bad to worst!!!
1) I need to stop all extream spots eg: jogging,football,badminton.... blah blah blah~~~(mana boleh??)
2) i need to reduce my weight....(tried but never seem to work....)

3) d only exercise advisable to do is SWIMMING.... (boring!!!)

4) d last is to have operation on my knees to put in some silicon things...(stupid idea but i may need to do it in d future to enable me to walk without the extream pain...)

well... wat i achieved in this sport?

all d things i won....

my proudest moment... 2 times state champions(2 years consecutive but so sad cannot win for 3rd time due to stupid injuries!!!)

medals won in state championship.... 1st 2 years got bronce n finally can get gold....

this d oil i use to apply on my knees & ankels when it hurt.... miracle oil.... really works...

so.... do i ever regret when all d pain is here.... not really... acually im quite happy also la....
at least i can show something to my children next time.... mayb d pain will not go away or mayb it will get worst... but wat the hell.... i need to continue my life... no time to regret.... DAMN IT~~~~

i still continue to play badminton,futsal,& watever la..... only thing is that i need to apply some miracle oil whenever i finish sport.... but i like to sweat... so its no problems... haha....

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Important + Fun + MuST KNOW Statistic

Well... d wind of general election were blew so strongly lately~~~ its near.... very near!!!
some say its will be held during November....
Lim Kiat Siang said its 25th November....
Political analysist said Pak Lah will announce d date of General election on d UMNO Meeting!!!

but for me its going to be next year.... very early next year.... everything is ready...but there's something BN must wait to win back the places they lost... still a little more to go...
so... for me the best time the General election to be held is on march next year~~~ (this's only my opinion la... if not accurate then dun F me lar~~~)

like every damn general election... sure d issue of races were brought up!!!
One of the Minister said that the chinese should not vote for DAP cause this will only cause the Chinese Comunity to b weak~~~ WTF!!!!

everytime during this time issue such as NEP(new economy plan),may 13 incident,UMNO Keris issue, blah blah blah will arise again.... damn!!!

Chances are that the BN will still win but we need to send the proper signal to Pak Lah that enough is enough.... v as minority should let them know wats our feelings!!!! (im not supporting any parties.... i only wan u all know wat i felt n wat i wish to change.....!!!)

Below is the some of the statistics about the extreme discriminations and marginalization by the BN govt for all these years since Independent. All together got 55 facts or rather statistics.... Let's take a look...


( 1) Out of all the 5 major banks in Malaysia, only one bank is own by multi-racial, the rest are controlled by Malays.

(2) 99% of Petronas (the only one petroleum company) directors are Malays, and the former Prime Minister work as Consultant in Petronas.

(3) 3% of Petronas employees are Chinese.

(4) 99% of 2000 Petronas gasoline stations are owned by Malays.

(5) 100% all contractors working under Petronas projects must be "bumi's status" (Malay).

(6) 0% of non-Malays staffs are legally required in Malay's companies. But there must be 30% Malays staffs in Chinese companies and shareholder. Which this mean non-Malays own company needs to give their property to Malays. And non-Malays citizen can't really own their business

(7) 5% of all new intake for government police, nurses, army, is non-Malays.

(8) 2% is the present Chinese staff in Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF), drop from 40% in 1960.

(9) 2% is the percentage of non-Malays government servants in Putrajaya ( Malaysia main government office). But Malays make up 98%.

(10) 7% is the percentage of Chinese government servants in the whole government (in 2004), drop from 30% in 1960. Only 2 position for non-Malays in political status.

(11) 95% of government contracts are given to Malays; even it is an open tender. Non-Malays contractors tender the lower price and use better materials can't get the contract that government given.

(12) 100% all business licenses are controlled by Malay government e.g. Taxi permits, Approved permits, etc. and all the license are given to government officer families.

(13) 80% of the Chinese rice millers in Kedah (north of peninsular Malaysia had to be sold to Malay and controlled by Bernas (Government Org.) since 1980s. Otherwise, life is make difficult for Chinese rice millers.

(14) 100 big companies set up, owned and managed by Chinese Malaysians were taken over by government, and later managed by Malays since 1970's e.g. UTC, UMBC, MISC, etc. This company now is the sole company.

(15) At least 10 Chinese owned bus companies (throughout Malaysia,throughout 40 years) had to be sold to MARA or other Malay transport companies due to rejection by Malay authority to Chinese application for bus routes and rejection for their application for new buses.

(16) 2 Chinese taxi drivers were barred from driving in Johor (South of Peninsular Malaysia ) Larkin bus station. There are about 30 taxi drivers and 3 are Chinese in October 2004. Spoiling taxi club properties was the reason given.

(17) 0 non-Malays are allowed to get shop lots in the new Muar (city in south peninsular Malaysia ) bus station (November 2004).

(18) 8000 billions ringgit is the total amount the government channeled to Malays pockets through ASB, ASN, MARA, privatization of government agencies like Tabung Haji etc, through NEP over 34 years periods.

(19) 48 Chinese primary schools closed down since 1968 â¤" 2000

(20) 144 Tamil primary schools closed down since 1968 - 2000

(21) 2637 Malay primary schools built since 1968 - 2000

(22) 2.5% is government budget for Chinese primary schools. Tamil schools got only 1%, Malay schools got 96.5%

(23) While a Chinese parent with RM1000 salary (monthly) cannot get school-text-book-loan, and a Malay parent with RM2000 salary is eligible.

(24) 10 all public universities vice chancellors are Malays. And politics in universities are held by Malays. If non-Malays want to form a politics parties, there is no way to get approved.

(25) 5% - the government universities lecturers of non-Malay origins had been reduced from about 70% in 1965 to only 5% in 2004 with the reason Malaysia Education Ministry give full support for Malays only.

(26) Only 5% is given to non-Malays for government scholarships over 40 years.

(27) 0 Chinese or Indians were sent to Japan and Korea under "Look East Policy".

(28) 128 STPM (High Study / A Level) Chinese top students could not get into the course that they aspired i.e. Medicine and doctors (in 2004). Malays with not qualify result can get into the course.

(29) 10% place for non-bumi students for MARA science schools beginning from year 2003, but only 7% are filled. Before that it was 100% Malays.

(30) 50 cases whereby Chinese and Indian Malaysians, are beaten up in the National Service program since 2003.

(31) 25% is Malaysian Chinese population in 2004, drop from 45% since 1957 because government are not support non-Malays like government support Malays.

(32) 7% is the present Malaysian Indians population (2004), a drop from 12% since 1957.

(33) 2 millions Chinese Malaysians had emigrated to overseas since 40 years ago due to unfair politics.

(34) 0.5 million Indians Malaysians had emigrated to overseas.

(35) 3 millions Indonesians had migrated into Malaysia and became malaysian citizens with bumi's status.

(36) 600000 are the Chinese and Indians Malaysians with "red I/C" (a temporary identity card) and were rejected repeatedly when applying for citizenship for 40 years. Perhaps 60% of them had already passed away due to old age. This shows racism of how easily Indonesians got their citizenships compare with the Chinese and Indians

(37) 5% - 15% discount for a Malay to buy a house, regardless whether the Malay is rich or poor

(38) 2% is what Chinese new villages get compare with 98% of what Malays villages got for rural development budget..

(39) 50 road names (at least) had been change from Chinese names to other names.

(40) 1 Dewan Gan Boon Leong (in Malacca) was altered to other name ( e.g.Dewan Serbaguna or sort) when it was being officially used for a few days. Government tries to shun Chinese names. This racism happened in around year 2000 or sort.

(41) 0 temples/churches were built for each housing estate. But every housing estate MUST got at least one mosque/surau built.

(42) 3000 mosques/surau were built in all housing estates throughout Malaysia since 1970 with full government support. No temples, no churches are built in housing estates that supported by government.

(43) 1 Catholic Church in Shah Alam took 20 years to apply to be constructed. But told by Malay authority that it must look like a factory and can't look like a church. Still not yet approved since 2004.

(44) 1 publishing of Bible in Iban language banned (in 2002)

(45) 0 of the government TV stations (RTM1, RTM2, and TV3) have directors of non-Malays origin.

(46) 30 government produced TV dramas and films always showed that the bad guys had Chinese face, and the good guys had Malay face. You can check it out since 1970s. Recent years, this tendency becomes less.

(47) 10 times, at least, Malays (especially Umno) had threatened to massacre the Chinese Malaysians using May 13 since 1969.

(48) 20 constituencies won by DAP would not get funds from the government to develop. Or these Chinese majority constituencies would be the last to be developed

(49) 100 constituencies (parliaments and states) had been racist re-delineated so Chinese voters were diluted that Chinese candidates, particularly DAP candidates lost in election since 1970s

(50) Only 3 out of 12 human rights items are ratified by Malaysia government since 1960

(51) 0 elimination of, all forms of racial discrimination (UN Human Rights)is not ratified by Malaysia government since 1960s

(52) 20 reported cases whereby Malay ambulance attendance treated Chinese patients inhumanely, and Malay government hospital staffs purposely delay attending to Chinese patients in 2003. Unreported cases may be 200

53) 50 cases each year whereby Chinese, especially Chinese youths being beaten up by Malay youths in public places. We may check at police reports provided the police took the report, otherwise there will be no record

(54) 20 cases every year whereby Chinese drivers who accidentally knocked down Malays were seriously assaulted or killed by Malays

(55) 12% is what ASB/ASN (Malays Own banks) got per annum while banks fixed deposit is only about 3.5% per annum.


above are only some small numbers of statistics....
And more cases haven't been discovered.

So, if any Malaysian read this and got extra opinion...

please add at the comment sections......

Your comment will be much appreciated.

thank u~~~

may our dream of no discriminations and marginalization will 1day come true~~~

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Beloved Melaka~~~(malacca)

Well.... as u know / as u dun know.... im from d historical city of Malacca aka Melaka.
A place where d history of d sultanate of malay started....
A place where Hang Tuan was born n died...
A place where d Portugis build a damn A'Famosa...
A place where d name of d state was taken from a tree's name...
A place where a man named ahxian with vision&mission and hope to change d country was born....
A place where PureBar is a place for ALL!!!!!

Melaka is known for its historical values....(ehem... Malaccan not that bersejarah lar~~~)
Cut all d craps... lets go c some photos i took la....(here d places worth going in melaka)

this is d old sungai melaka....state gov spend RM14MIllion to re buit it!

this is A'famosa... d damn thing built by Portugis!!!

this d original map of d A'famosa!!!

u can see all these grave on d wall of it~~~

Christ Church...famous place built during d dutch times....
(u can sit beca here for RM20~~~)

town of melaka.....

baba house..... nice oh.....

haha...u can still find this kind of kampung road la

welcome to Jonker walk~~~~(a night market open on friday,saturday n sunday ONLY)

main gate of Jonker walk~~(here u can c ah pek n ah mah singing!!)

this Geographer Cafe...located in d middle of Jonker Walk...d ah pek singing here is damn good...(i dun know now its a cafe or bistro d la... cause i dun think they serve anything other than BEER....) this a nice place where u just sit on d 2nd floor n watch all d "leng lui" walk by .... haha... wonderful...

lastly... PURE BAR!!!! 1 of d most happening place in melaka....wakakakaka

there'r 2 floors.... upper floor is live band.... cool.... is a place to come after work for ur happy hour....d lower floor is rocking world... u dance,dance,dance only la....

i found this pic in my oldder folder... outdated d lar... DER~~~~ now purebar open daily except sunday...
5pm till LATE!!!! happy hour from 5pm till 10pm(monday to friday)only RM30 per bucket .... and of course... ladies Nite is on wednesday...... so ladies.... U R WELCOME!!!!

u know where u can see this??? hahaha.... in d Gents Washroom.... =_=


Kara oK?

New sem begun~~~ haiz... its a short sem so everything cramped into limited 7 weeks...(even our plan to go cameron highland on d 3rd week need to be cancel due to REPLACEMENT CLASS!!!!!)

but then d spirit of SingK need to be continue~~~~~HELL YEAH!!!!

Straight away after d Final paper for Final EXAM v went to GreenBox~~!!!!

here d "4 thousand Gold"(ychyn+kehyeen+kehxin+zhizin)

TE1" couple" of d year~~~~(ychyn+weikee)
last 3 standing~~~
ahkong: yonghan... i wanna kiss u...
yonghan: C'on la!

Me singging with Angel Wong~~

ahseng: GOD,pls stop them!!!! too small la~~~
wakaka.... m i lucky???
BORING take 1 : typing sms

BORING take2 : SLEPPING****!!!!!

kehyeen + ychyn
ychyn 1st time in short!!!!
MunKin... better MOVE ur hand b4 weikee saw it!!!

me + kehyeen

ms wong + ms ung

well.... Greenbox nowaday dun extend ur singging time d.... so... its a bad news to those Gila-gila singer~~~~ n d foos there... haiz,,,, no good d~~~~

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Angkasawan OR Lancongsawan?

October 10th is D-DAY!!!! The day where our very own ANGKASAWAN was launch to d space~~~~

wow....!!!! every1 heboh-heboh bout this.... DAMN>>>!!!! wat to heboh???
The Angkasawan were selected out of over 11,000 applicants in an open selection process which started in October 2003 and ended in September 2006.

Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor (born Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Al Masrie bin Sheikh Mustapha

Sheikh was train in d Astronaut Training Programme in Star city,Russian for 18 months of training.... wow.... 18 months.... ONLY 18 months of training.....haiz..... n his a ANGKASAWAN....
HE's an orthopedic surgeon, a part-time model and of course an owner of a restorant... hahaha.... v called this TALENTED!!!!! And now his a ANGKASAWAN!!!!!

This programme is part of an offset agreement between Malaysia and Russia in relation to Malaysia’s purchase of Russian-made Sukhoi-30MKM fighter jets.

Through this package, the Russian government agreed to train two Malaysians, one of which will make the journey while the other one will act as his backup.
The Russian Government will bear the costs.

Sukhoi-30MKM fighter jet

This Baby cost USD33-45million(RM 125.4Million) per unit....WAKAKA.... thats y la Russian Gov can affort to send our ANGKASAWAN up for free la.... haha....

N do u all know d cost of sending 1 Angkasawan up??? its RM 105Million.... wat a waste of money....

not say v built 1 damn rocket n fly there...!!! of just built 1 damn satelite la~~~~ NO... v just tumpang ppl's rocket n b a passenger..... N our gov heboh-heboh bout this... WTF???
Hello~~~~ 1 Proton car also cannot build baik-baik u wanna go space????
walk also cannot wanna fly~~~~ HAIZZZZzzzzzz!!!!!

wat do our angkasawan do in d space??? i also dun know??? wat d purpose?? got only 1....
ppl go space v ma go space lo.... if not ppl say us "sua Ku"


so... angkasawan or lancongsawan???
u decide la.....

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

A Legal VOTER!!!!

haha.... finally im a Legal VOTER!!!! wakaka.....
(for those who not yet register pls do so cause its ur responsibility)

Chose wisely... make sure ur vote is worth it..... make a wise decision....

Oh ya... here d sem3 timetable..... pls take a look....

well.... c u all when uni reopen.....

Monday, October 1, 2007


HAPPY me~~~~
its 1st oct n its my birthday.... 21th birthday.....

should i b happy???dun know...

well.... this year's birthday is d most "normal" and low-key.....
everydamn years back i celebrated my birthday with excess alcohol&nicotine!!!! but not this year.... NO NO.... (i already throw all these habits!!!haha.... happy~~~~)

for d last 2 hours my phone kept ringing n smses kept coming in.... thanks to u all for remembering my birthday n thanks for ur wishes.....

this year when my mom&dad offered me to hav a grand party since its my 21th birthday but i turned them down... i only asked for a small family dinner so v did a BBQ....(dun know y.... but i think i just wanna spend some time with my family members.....)

FRIENDS>.... NO purebar for me this year la.... y every1 when cant reach me through d phone sure say im in PURE??? no la....(mayb its bcause 2 of my hardcore drinker is not here....DR lee & andy...!!!wakaka)
this year is a simple year,.... just celebrated in Wings cafe(my favoured cafe) and Satay celup!!!!(wat a weird place to go).....thanks to gordan,andrew,ewing,oren n ahwei for celebrate with me...(1st d time since years for just a handful ppl celebrate with me.... it used to b lots of friends by my side.... mayb its cause i din really hav a party.....sorry bro....)

d first thing i wanna do now is to get myself register as a VOTER....since d general election seem to b just around d i wanna b a legal voter cause its my Right & also my responsibilitiy..... for those who dun wanna vote then PLZ dun condemn d gornv cause is ur fault for not voting d GOOD side!!!! BLAME UR SELF!!!

haha.... ok la... bye....(im so happy that u remember its my birthday mean a lot to me.... thanks....)